
Helen Reid Craig - Age 39 Years, Margaret Ann Craig - Age not known,
Andrew Craig - Age 68 Years, Martha Carrick Craig - Age not known

The gravestone of members of the Craig family
The gravestone of members of the Craig family. Photograph - Mike Welton

Inscription reads;

In loving memory of our good mother Helen Reid of Paisley, Scotland, and wife of Andrew Craig (Mounted coast guard in charge of coast Dimlington to Spurn) who died 26th April 1846 aged 40 years. Margaret Ann youngest daughter died at sea August 1848. Andrew Craig husband of above died at Calt, Canada, 2nd Dec 1872 aged 68 years. Martha Carrick of Easington, also wife of Andrew Craig died of cholera at Montreal, Canada, 11th July 1854.

Parish Register; 1846 Apr 29th Elen Craig, Easington 39.

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